Cold showers, you’re maybe getting the chills just thinking about it. But cold showers are actually a proven to be really good for you. In my opinion it’s just a perfect start of your day.
According to the UCLA Health organization, cold showers can be good for you in the following ways:
Personally, I like to take my showers in the morning. My approach to cold water showers is to first use warm water. I have the feeling warm water helps the shower gel to work better, but don’t take this as a fact, this can totally be in my head. After that I take 3 deep breaths and on the third breath I turn the shower as cold as it can go. This approach creates the shock effect that we’re looking for. I stay in the cold shower for about a minute, then your body is used to the cold water.
This approach helps me get productive. It’s a great start of your morning, you’re awake and you’ve already done 1 task that you maybe didn’t really want to do. I would recommend anyone to take cold showers in the morning, you can slowly build up the coldness of the water and the time you stay under the cold water. After some time, you can also benefit from the things listed above, and that just in the first awake minutes of your day!
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